I\'m using xUnit.net, AutoFixture and SemanticComparison and want to verify the results of a mapping.
On the individual item level, I\'m well covered.
Given a [very neat] FullOuterJoin operation and xUnit.net V2, you can express it as:
static void VerifyFeaturesetFullyMapped(
IEnumerable<Output> outputs,
IEnumerable<Input> inputs )
inputs.FullOuterJoin( outputs,
f => f.Item1, r => r.Name,
( x, y, key ) => new {
InDescription = x.Item2,
OutDescription = y.Description } ),
inout =>
Assert.Equal( inout.InDescription, inout.OutDescription ) );
Given some AssertResemblance.Like
Collection helpers[1], you
grows a feature I don't think it can be usefully generalised)Ploeh.SemanticComparison
's Likeness
do the matching on Name
Final result is:
var results = from result in outputs orderby result.Name select result;
var expectations = from input in inputs orderby input.Name select input;
AssertResemblance.Like( expectations, results,
.Without(x=>x.IgnoreThisField) );
static class AssertResemblance
public static void Like<T, T2>( IEnumerable<T> expected, IEnumerable<T2> actual )
Like<T, T2>( expected, actual, x=>x );
public static void Like<T, T2>( IEnumerable<T> expected, IEnumerable<T2> actual, Func<Likeness<T, T2>, Likeness<T, T2>> configureLikeness )
Assert2.Collection( actual, SelectShouldEqualAsAction( expected.Select( x => configureLikeness( x.AsSource().OfLikeness<T2>() ) ) ) );
public static void Like<T>( IEnumerable<T> expected, IEnumerable<T> actual, Func<IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<T>> unify )
Like<T>( expected, actual, unify, x=>x );
public static void Like<T>( IEnumerable<T> expected, IEnumerable<T> actual, Func<IEnumerable<T>,IEnumerable<T>> unify, Func<Likeness<T, T>, Likeness<T, T>> configureLikeness )
Assert2.Collection( unify( actual ), SelectShouldEqualAsAction( unify(expected).Select( x => configureLikeness( x.AsSource().OfLikeness<T>() ) ) ) );
static Action<TDestination>[] SelectShouldEqualAsAction<TSource, TDestination>( IEnumerable<Likeness<TSource, TDestination>> that )
return (from it in that select (Action<TDestination>)it.ShouldEqual).ToArray();