Loop through to copy multiple outlook attachments type mismatch error

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一生所求 2020-12-21 23:11

I trying to loop through the message to copy multiple attachments, but no success, i\'m getting 13 - type mismatch error!!!

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

  • 2020-12-21 23:25

    You seem to be confusing two different kinds of loops. For Each...Next and For...Next statements have different structures. You may want to read the documentation and examples in the above linked reference.

    In a For Each loop you don't have a counter variable tracking the index. It automatically retrieves each item from the collection for you.

    In a For loop you have a counter variable that increases for you, you don't have to increment it.
    (e.g. i = i + 1)
    However if you are accessing a collection you must retrieve the current item yourself.
    (e.g. myAttachments.Item(i), or you can use the shorter equivalent syntax of myAttachments(i) as that the .Item is implied in VBA)

    Here is a working example that prints the file names for the currently active message's attachments to the Immediate window using each type of for loop.

    Public Sub TestAttachments()
        Dim message As MailItem
        Dim myAttachment As Attachment
        Dim i As Long
        Set message = ThisOutlookSession.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
        Debug.Print "For Each...Next"
        For Each myAttachment In message.Attachments
          Debug.Print "Filename: " & myAttachment.FileName
        Next myAttachment
        Debug.Print "For...Next Statement"
        For i = 1 To message.Attachments.Count
          Set myAttachment = message.Attachments(i)
          Debug.Print "Index: " & i & " Filename: " & myAttachment.FileName
        Next i
    End Sub

    As you can see, the For Each loop is far simpler. However the For loop can give you a bit more control and information when accessing indexed collections. Usually you will want to use the For Each loop.

    Also note, there is some confusion in the terminology used for collections in VBA. There are multiple different kinds of collections. There are also Collection objects, which are a type of collection but not the only type of collection.

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  • 2020-12-21 23:43

    You're using an indexed loop over an iterable collection (myAttachments) which is unnecessary. It is not the source of the error, but the error I see is related to your iteration:

    You're getting a mismatch error because you're doing:

    For each myAttachments in Msg.Attachments

    You have already assigned myAttachments as Msg.Attachments and it is of type Outlook.Attachments. This is an iterable collection, but you need to iterate using an Outlook.Attachment type variable.

    Dim olAttch as Outlook.Attachment

    Then, modify your loop like (untested):

        Set myAttachments = Msg.Attachments
            For Each olAttch In myAttachments
                Att = olAttch.DisplayName
                olAttch.SaveAsFile attPath & Att
            Next olAttch
            Msg.UnRead = False
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