I want to make a sub-string, where the $count
only counts letters, not spaces. This is what I have so far:
$string =\"vikas tyagi php\";
If I understand you correctly you can do it like so:
$string = "vikas tyagi";
$lettercount = strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $string));
echo $string . ' contains ' . $lettercount . ' letters';
Here I've used strlen() on a version of $string
with spaces removed using str_replace()
I didn't understand the question
Here's my first crack at this, feel free to amend where you see fit:
$string = "vikas tyagi";
function my_substr($string, $start, $length)
$substr = substr($string, $start, $length);
$spaces = count(explode(' ', $substr)) - 1;
if ($spaces > 0)
return substr($string, $start, $length + $spaces);
return $substr;
echo my_substr($string, 0, 10);
$arr = explode(" ",$str);
$length = 10;
for ($i = 0, $currIndex = 0, $finalstring = ""; $currIndex < $length; $i++){
$finalstring .= " ".substr($arr[$i], 0, $length - $currIndex);
$currIndex += strlen($arr[$i]);
Here is a demonstration: http://codepad.org/lv4KEsAi
Simply count the spaces and add them to the desired length of the capture:
function spaceless_substr($string, $start, $count) {
return substr($string, $start, ($count+substr_count($string, ' ', $start, $count)));
$string ="vikas tyagi asd sd as asd";
echo substr($string, 0, 14);
// return: "vikas tyagi a"
echo spaceless_substr($string, 0, 14);
// return: "vikas tyagi asd"
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