I have got hold of a sql server 2008 developer edition and this is my data:
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N\'test\') and OBJE
I do not quite understand why do you want FTS? If you want exact march, this is done by simply using LIKE:
If you want to play with FTS. Create and engage your own (custom) Full-text Stoplist
In SSMS Databases\YourDatabaseName\Storage\Full Text Stoplist --> right-click and choose "New Full-text StopList...". I named it vgvStoplist and made sure that default "Create an empty syoplist" radiobutton was checked.
In SSMS right-click table dbo.test ---> Full-text index --> Properties ---> Select a page: General, Full-text Index Stoplist --> enter name of created empty list (I entered vgvStoplist)
Now, the query
select * from test where contains (data, '"j-world"')
returns only 'Hello j-world' (without 'Hello world')
This also can be done through TSQL. Follow msdn
==== Update:
Well, your question showed that the notion of noise is subjective.
It worked because 'j' is system stopword (cf. it searching the system stoplist ( * ) by 'j' (3 symbols) string, see also ( ** )) and '-' is, apparently, wordbreaker.
I did not propose you to use empty stopword list. I just illustrated "how to" with a minimum of efforts from my side.
Elaboration of techniques suited for you is up to you. I am not even expert in this domain in order to give advises. I just answered you from the principle of common sense
Create your own Full Text StopList, fill it with your content.
You might want to reuse system stoplist content.
For this, you may want to create
then create your own script by by editing a copy of () using find-and-replace and/or copy&paste from ().
(**) Here is an excerpt from scripted copy, named by me as vgv_sys_copy, of system FT StopList :
ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST [vgv_sys_copy] ADD 'j' LANGUAGE 'Italian';
ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST [vgv_sys_copy] ADD 'j' LANGUAGE 'Japanese';
ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST [vgv_sys_copy] ADD 'j' LANGUAGE 'Russian';
ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST [vgv_sys_copy] ADD 'j' LANGUAGE 'Swedish';
ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST [vgv_sys_copy] ADD 'j' LANGUAGE 'Simplified Chinese';
ALTER FULLTEXT STOPLIST [vgv_sys_copy] ADD 'j' LANGUAGE 'British English';
I posted subquestion Performace gains of searching with FTS over it with LIKE on indexed colum(s)?
I also noticed that I answered basing on features not available in SQL Server 2005
There should be MSSQL\FTData\noiseENG.txt and I liked answers to Noise Words in Sql Server 2005 Full Text Search
I would have removed 'j'. As a matter of fact, if I were you, I would have created noiseENG.txt from scratch. But it is your decisions depending on your context and multiple unknown to me factors.
I believe you should post it as separate question. I already was banned multiple times in StackExchange sites (and still am in SF) for discussions. This is not forum or discussion board, cf. FAQ.
Try using CONTAINS maybe? Freetext functions more like "LIKE".
I don't have an FTS-enabled DB set up to test on, but have you tried something like contains(data,'world AND NOT "-world"')? You may have to look into modifying the word-breaking.
FREETEXT is less precise compared to CONTAINS
CONTAINS explained: