I had a document that looked like the following:
100, \"some text\"
101, \"more text\"
102, \"even more text\"
I processed
This is a job for java.util.Scanner
. With the upcoming Java 9, you would write:
List<MyClass> result;
try(Scanner s=new Scanner(Paths.get("data.txt"))) {
result = s.findAll("(\\d{1,3}),\\s*\"([^\"]*)\"")
//MyClass(int id, String text)
.map(m -> new MyClass(Integer.parseInt(m.group(1)), m.group(2)))
but since the Stream
producing findAll
does not exist under Java 8, we’ll need a helper method:
private static Stream<MatchResult> matches(Scanner s, String pattern) {
Pattern compiled=Pattern.compile(pattern);
return StreamSupport.stream(
new Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<MatchResult>(1000,
Spliterator.ORDERED|Spliterator.NONNULL) {
public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super MatchResult> action) {
if(s.findWithinHorizon(compiled, 0)==null) return false;
return true;
}, false);
Replacing findAll
with this helper method, we get
List<MyClass> result;
try(Scanner s=new Scanner(Paths.get("data.txt"))) {
result = matches(s, "(\\d{1,3}),\\s*\"([^\"]*)\"")
// MyClass(int id, String text)
.map(m -> new MyClass(Integer.parseInt(m.group(1)), m.group(2)))