After resize an event, it returns an incorrect end date.. I don\'t understand why..
I\'m using this code:
I've create a Plunker where you can see how the update is made.
It's important that, when you modify an event, the object you are modifying is the object that comes from fullCalendar('clientEvents');
Something like this will fail:
myEvent = {
id: 1, title : "myTitle", start: moment()
.fullCalendar('renderEvent', myEvent );
mySlot.myTitle = "anotherTitle";
.fullCalendar('updateEvent', myEvent );
But this will work:
myEvent = {
id: 1, title : "myTitle", start: moment()
.fullCalendar('renderEvent', myEvent );
myFCEvent = .fullCalendar('clientEvents', 1);
myFCEvent.title = "Another title";
.fullCalendar('updateEvent', myFCEvent);
Demo Plunker
My answer comes late but as said in this post, the event.start._i is used for internal logic by Moments.js.
Your event.start does contain your updated date (which i think is located at event.start_d) but you don't need to use these internal objects as FullCalendar will take them into account and will use the correct (updated) date by itself.
My issue was solved by this adding .utc().format()
moment.parseZone('2016-05-03T22:15:01+02:00').utc().format(); //"2016-05-03T20:15:01Z"
moment docs reference