I am making a currency converter with two spinners. I want to make an \"if\" function using the values of the spinner\'s selected item like below.
Check whether you called the id correctly or not? When I was working when improper id was called this exception used to arise. For eg In TextView, findViewById(R.id.textView1) but in xml file we may have set it to textView2.
Try this :
if (spinner1.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("Dollars") && spinner2.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("Euros")
getSelectedItem() returns an Object
. info . So you have to get the corresponding string first.
Then java compares strings using equals()
if (spinner1.getSelectedItem()=="Dollars" && spinner2.getSelectedItem()=="Euros") {
You can't compare Strings like that. You have to use the equals()
method to compare them. Use this:
if (spinner1.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("Dollars") && spinner2.getSelectedItem().toString().equals("Euros")) {}