I run into the problem where Matlab 2015b expands the labels of new Xticks when the x-axis gets bigger by using incomplete label, zeros, in the thread No Gap Next to Axis La
As I said in the other question, if you want the labels to be updated automatically when you resize things, you'll want to do the following.
fig = figure;
% Set large xlimits to demonstrate the issue at hand
ax2 = axes('xlim', [0 1e9]);
% Force a draw event to have the axes determine where the
labelconverter = @(x)sprintf('%.2g', x);
callback = @(varargin)set(ax2, 'xticklabels', arrayfun(labelconverter, get(ax2, 'xtick'), 'uniform', 0));
set(fig, 'SizeChangedFcn', callback);
% Be sure to execute the callback to get new labels prior to figure resize.
As you change the size of your figure, the labels will be changed automatically and the positions will be updated.
Small Window
Medium Window
Large Window
Note: Test this code in isolation to verify that it works, then adapt the idea to your solution. It seems like you're ending up with a lot of complications because your namespace is polluted (for example your examples don't even run because
isn't defined).