I am trying to build a small flask web app that displays a job application built from an HTML form with many fields for an applicant to fill out. I want to grab the
You can use pdftk on Windows and Linux both. I have been using pdftk from sometime now. you can fill out a form using pdftk, you need to create an fdf file and then pdftk can use that fdf file to fill the pdf. To do that you need the following command:
pdftk mypdf.pdf generate_fdf output data.fdf
This command will then generate a data.fdf file which contains data like following
/Fields [
/V (Red)
/T (Favorite Color List Box)
/V ()
/T (Country Combo Box)
/V ()
/T (Given Name Text Box)
You need to place your value within the brackets next to /V like this
/V (Kuldeep)
/T (Given Name Text Box)
Save the file and then you need to execute following command
pdftk mypdf.pdf fill_form data.fdf output form_filled.pdf
This will save the filled form pdf. form_filled.pdf is the filled out pdf.
You can save the generated fdf file as a template and and use it again and again programatically. You need to run these commands using python to make it work. And also check this pdftk manual.
According to pypdftk, filling forms is possible with this library, so it should basically work. You could use e.g. uWSGI to trigger the script.