I have a slight problem in that the string I\'m reading from a cookie is broken after the ampersand. So for example the string \"hello & world\" would just display \"hel
I think I have run into a similar problem in an ASP.NET MVC app.
When I save a string containing ampersands to a cookie name/value pair it actually gets split into a series of name/value pairs
e.g. attempting to save ("value","cookiedata123&book=2&page=0")
will result in 3 name value pairs being created "value"="cookiedata123"; "book"="2"; and "page"="0"
I have resolved this by URL Encoding the value just before writing to the cookie and URL Decoding it as soon as I read it out. In .net the calls look like this:
// Encode
return System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(cookieData);
// Decode
return System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(encodedCookieData);
That takes care of any ampersands, equals signs etc that can cause problems. See this post here for info on characters that are allowed in cookies. Allowed characters in cookies