I have a table like this
data.table(ID = c(1,2,3,4,5,6),
R = c(\"s\",\"s\",\"n\",\"n\",\"s\",\"s\"),
S = c(\"a\",\"a\",\"a\",\"b\",\"b\",
You could try:
df %>%
group_by(R, S) %>%
summarise(i = toString(ID)) %>%
spread(S, i)
Which gives:
#Source: local data table [2 x 3]
# R a b
#1 n 3 4
#2 s 1, 2 5, 6
Note: This will store the result in a string. If you want a more convenient format to access the elements, you could store in a list:
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(R, S) %>%
summarise(i = list(ID)) %>%
spread(S, i)
Which gives:
#Source: local data table [2 x 3]
# R a b
#1 n <dbl[1]> <dbl[1]>
#2 s <dbl[2]> <dbl[2]>
You can then access the elements by doing:
> df2$a[[2]][2]
#[1] "2"
You can use dcast
from reshape2
with the appropriate aggregating function:
dcast(df, R~S, value.var='ID', fun.aggregate=Curry(paste0, collapse=','))
# R a b
#1 n 3 4
#2 s 1,2 5,6
Or even short as @akrun underlined:
dcast(df, R~S, value.var='ID', toString)
Here's an alternative that uses plain old data.table syntax:
# or...