You can store a fingerprint under OnEnroll(bool ActionResult, object ATemplate)
Event.This event will be called when BeginEnroll()
has been executed.
//Add an event handler on OnEnroll Event
ZKFPEngX x = new ZKFPEngX();
x.OnEnroll += X_OnEnroll;
private void X_OnEnroll(bool ActionResult, object ATemplate)
if (ActionResult)
if (x.LastQuality >= 80) //to ensure the fingerprint quality
string regTemplate = x.GetTemplateAsStringEx("9");
File.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\fingerprint.txt", regTemplate);
//Quality is too low
//Register Failed
You can try to verify the fingerprints under OnCapture(bool ActionResult, object ATemplate)
event. This event will be called when a finger is put on the scanner.
Add an event handler on OnCapture Event:
x.OnCapture += X_OnCapture;
Verify the fingerprints when the event has been called (a finger is put on the scanner):
private void X_OnCapture(bool ActionResult, object ATemplate)
if (ActionResult) //if fingerprint is captured successfully
bool ARegFeatureChanged = true;
string regTemplate = File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + "\\fingerprint.txt");
string verTemplate = x.GetTemplateAsString();
bool result = x.VerFingerFromStr(regTemplate , verTemplate, false, ARegFeatureChanged);
if (result)
//not matched
//failed to capture a valid fingerprint