There are so many posts on how to get the group-wise min or max with SQL. But how do you do it in R?
Let\'s say, you have got the following data frame
Two more solutions (with sgibb's df):
sapply(split(df, df$ID), function(x) x$value[which.min(x$t)])
#a b
#3 2
ddply(df, .(ID), function(x) x$value[which.min(x$t)])
# ID V1
#1 a 3
#2 b 2
You are looking for tapply
df <- read.table(textConnection("
ID | t | value
a | 1 | 3
a | 2 | 5
a | 3 | 2
a | 4 | 1
a | 5 | 5
b | 2 | 2
b | 3 | 1
b | 4 | 5"), header=TRUE, sep="|")
m <- tapply(1:nrow(df), df$ID, function(i) {
# a b
# 3 2
is your data.frame -
setDT(df) # convert to data.table in place
df[, value[which.min(t)], by = ID]
Output -
> df[, value[which.min(t)], by = ID]
1: a 3
2: b 2