I get header problem while I use ob_start()
in the beginning of a page and ob_end_flush()
at the end. Because I use header function after some quer
I think the problem may be that you are trying to change the headers, after you have already sent something else to the output. Even when using buffering, I don't think this is possible. I think you need to call ob_end_clean() to discard the current buffer and write header information.
Is there any space before the first <?php
Is there an UTF8-BOM at the beginning of the file?
I'm a bit baffled the warning message doesn't include the location of the code that caused the first content to be sent to the client. The function headers_sent() can return that location, too. So, for debugging purposes, please try
if ( headers_sent($path, $lineno) ) {
echo '<pre>Debug: output started at ', $path, ':', $lineno, "</pre>\n";
header("location: edit_delivery_hours.php");
There's a lot of invisible output in your code:
<?php ob_start();?> --- THERE IS A LINE RETURN HERE ---
--- SPACES OR TABS ---<?php include_once("header.php"); ?> --- LINE RETURN ---
--- AND HERE ---<?php global $db;
Quit starting and ending your php tags. Just do this:
global $db;
Make absolutely sure that there is no output, and no whitespace outside of your tags before the call to ob_start(). If your error is on line 9, you've got a bunch of lines before that call that could be the problem. You may want to post all of those lines, numbered, so we can look at them carefully.
I resolve mi problem with some white spaces in my script with ob_start(); ob_end_flush(); and ob_end_clean();
So you could test your code
global $db;
$countstmt="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tbl_lib_hours dh WHERE book_id IN(SELECT book_id FROM tbl_book WHERE user_id=".$_SESSION['uid'].")";