I need get two city names with one query:
For example:
City table:
| Pana | Name |
| T
With straight SQL you could give each joined table an alias - e.g.
SELECT flights.*
FROM flights as f
JOIN cities as fromCity on fromCity.pana = f.from_city
JOIN cities as toCity on toCity.pana = f.to_city
WHERE f.id = 3 --
With Eloquent, use select() to specify select fields. Also use DB::raw() to use raw SQL (e.g. giving an alias to table like DB::raw('cities as toCity')
public function scopePrintQuery($query, $id)
$join = $query
-> join(DB::raw('cities as fromCity'), 'fromCity.pana', 'flights.from_city')
-> join(DB::raw('cities as toCity'), 'toCity.pana', 'flights.to_city')
-> where('flights.id', $id)
DB::raw('fromCity.name as from_city')
DB::raw('toCity.name as to_city')
return $join->get();
you can also use the eloquent model with defining the relationship.
Also for more detail visit https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/eloquent-relationships
crate two model -- 1st is "Flights"
class Flights extends Model
protected $table = 'flights';
* Get the From City detail.
public function fromCity()
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\City', 'Pana', 'from_city');
* Get the To city state.
public function toCity()
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\City', 'Pana', 'to_city');
2nd Model is "City"
class City extends Model
protected $table = 'city';
Now for fetching
Flights::where(id, $id)->with('toCity', 'fromCity')->get();