I am using Java Swingx framework. I have 4 columns in my DefaultTableModel
object. I wish to display only 3 of the columns. But, I need all four for computing.<
try this to remove a single column:
myTableModel = new DefaultTableModel();
myTableModel.setColumnIdentifiers(new Object[]{"S.No.", "ID", "GDC ID", "Decsription"});
JTable myTable = new JTable(myTableModel);
// remember to save the references
TableColumn myTableColumn0 = guiLoteryNumbersTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
TableColumn myTableColumn1 = guiLoteryNumbersTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(1);
TableColumn myTableColumn2 = guiLoteryNumbersTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2);
TableColumn myTableColumn3 = guiLoteryNumbersTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(3);
Then to show the column again keeping the order:
// 1- remove all the existent columns
// 2- add all the columns again in the right order
Sorry, but that's the best way I know.
by default minimum size is 10 pixels
you can to remove / add column from JTable view, column presents in the XxxTableModel, you can to hide and show any of column(s)
You can hide it by setting its width to 0.
You manipulate the getValueAt , getColumnCount to achieve this.
So for example the getColumnCount you give it as 3
and on getValueAt - to skip if the column index is above the skipped column
JTable will first call getColumnCount and getRowCount and fetch calling getValueAt for each of the cells.
NOTE: Ignore this and see link by trashgod below.
No need to adjust your model, or to try to make that column very small. JTable
has built-in functionality for this: the removeColumn method. As stated in the javadoc of that method
Removes aColumn from this JTable's array of columns. Note: this method does not remove the column of data from the model; it just removes the TableColumn that was responsible for displaying it.
Also note the existence of the following methods:
Since the column order and column count in the view (the JTable
) might be different from the one in the model you need those methods to switch between view and model