We need to add anchors and highlights for some keywords/sentences in the html page. It turns out the highlighting is really slow in Firefox.
In the following code, a
This is my default highlighting snippet and works fine in every browser. Try it out.
Demo: http://jsbin.com/adeneh/1/edit
function highlight(text, words, tag) {
// Default tag if no tag is provided
tag = tag || 'span';
var i, len = words.length, re;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Global regex to highlight all matches
re = new RegExp(words[i], 'g');
if (re.test(text)) {
text = text.replace(re, '<'+ tag +' class="highlight">$&</'+ tag +'>');
return text;
// Usage:
var el = document.getElementById('element');
el.innerHTML = highlight(
['word1', 'word2', 'phrase one', 'phrase two', ...]
And to unhighlight:
function unhighlight(text, tag) {
// Default tag if no tag is provided
tag = tag || 'span';
var re = new RegExp('(<'+ tag +'.+?>|<\/'+ tag +'>)', 'g');
return text.replace(re, '');
There's no need to use document.execCommand()
for this. Just use range methods instead, and then there's no need for designMode
var anchorId, hiliteTextNode, hiliteSpan;
for (var i = 0; i < hiliteRanges.length; i++){
// Create the highlight element
hiliteSpan = document.createElement("span");
hiliteSpan.id = anchorId;
hiliteSpan.style.backgroundColor = "#FF8C00";
hiliteTextNode = document.createTextNode(hiliteRanges[i].toString());
// Replace the range content
Also, since ranges are affected by DOM mutation, I would suggest doing this part at the same time as you collect the ranges with window.find()
. Here's an example: