Is it possible to change the URL in the address bar instantly when I scroll to an id? Or have a long document with multiple id and the url changes on address bar, when I hit
After your comment, I understand what you are trying to achieve:
The following code is based on scroll up/ down.
Will store the current block and make you "jump" between blocks:
$(function () {
var blocksArr = $('.block');
var lastScrollTop = 0;
var currentBlock = 0;
$(document).scroll(function () {
var st = $(this).scrollTop();
var hash;
//make sure it is in the boundaries
if (st > lastScrollTop && currentBlock< blocksArr.length -1){
// downscroll code
hash = $(blocksArr[++currentBlock]).attr('id');
window.location.hash = (hash);
if (st < lastScrollTop && currentBlock > 0){
// scrollup code
hash = $(blocksArr[--currentBlock]).attr('id');
window.location.hash = (hash);
lastScrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
"working" fiddle (hash wont change on fiddle)
If you only want to see the URL changes:
$(function () {
var currentHash = "#";
var blocksArr = $('.block');
$(document).scroll(function () {
var currentTop = window.pageYOffset/1;
for (var i=0; blocksArr.length; i++){
var currentElementTop = $(blocksArr[i]).offset().top;
var hash = $(blocksArr[i]).attr('id');
if (currentElementTop < currentTop && currentTop < currentElementTop + $(blocksArr[i]).height() && currentHash!=hash){
if(history.pushState) {
history.pushState(null, null, '#'+hash);
else {
location.hash = '#'+hash;
currentHash = hash;