I have the following query, it is working fine to show the cricket time played per day. All I need is to show 0 when no cricket is played. At the moment it is skipping those
Try this
SELECT email, last_update, activity, starttime, endtime, duration as [Totaltime] from users
WHERE activity='cricket' and email='abc'
GROUP BY email, activity, duration, starttime, endtime, last_update
select activity, cast(starttime as date) as date,
SUM(datediff(second, starttime, endtime))/60.0 as TimePerDay
into #tempcte
from CTE
--where starttime >= dateadd(day, -15, last_update)
group by activity, cast(starttime as date)
select * from #tempcte
DECLARE @startDate date = (select min([date]) from #tempcte)
DECLARE @endDate date = (select max([date]) from #tempcte)
;WITH dates(Date) AS
SELECT @startdate as Date
SELECT DATEADD(d,1,dates.Date)
FROM dates
WHERE dates.Date < @enddate --and dates.Date not in (select [date] from #tempcte)
--select * from dates
Select activity, [date], TimePerDay
from #tempcte
select 'cricket' activity, [Date] as Date, 0 as TimePerDay FROM dates where dates.Date not in (select [date] from #tempcte)
drop table #tempcte