I am in the process of implementing an audit log to record a brief description of changes to the database. My audits table consists of an autonumber PK, emp
Try it this way.
strQuery = "INSERT INTO Audits ([emp Number], [Description], dateofAudit)" & _
vbCrLf & "VALUES (" & Me.empID & ", 'insertion', Now())"
Also give yourself an opportunity to examine the finished text string.
Debug.Print strQuery
With that approach, you wouldn't need your currDateTime
variable. The Date/Time value would be determined when the db engine evaluates the Now()
function ... the time at which the INSERT
statement is executed.
If you want the time as per your original approach, format currDateTime
and add #
strQuery = "INSERT INTO Audits ([emp Number], [Description], dateofAudit)" & _
vbCrLf & "VALUES (" & Me.empID & ", 'insertion', " & _
Format(currDateTime, "\#yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss\#") & ")"
try to format datetime like this:
protected DateTime GetDateWithoutMilliseconds(DateTime d)
return new DateTime(d.Year, d.Month, d.Day, d.Hour, d.Minute, d.Second);