I have cells in vba that contain strings like this:
I send these strings through two functions that just pick
This will extract the first number in a string:
Public Function GetNumber(s As String) As Long
Dim b As Boolean, i As Long, t As String
b = False
t = ""
For i = 1 To Len(s)
If IsNumeric(Mid(s, i, 1)) Then
b = True
t = t & Mid(s, i, 1)
If b Then
GetNumber = CLng(t)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
End Function
Have you considered using the "Split" function in VBA? If it is always pipe delimited, you could try:
Public Function extractQLlMax(cellRow, cellColumn) As String
Dim X as Variant
qlm = Cells(cellRow, cellColumn).Value
extractQLlMax = qlm
If extractQLinfoBool = "Yes" And Not InStr(1, qlm, "IN") = 0 Then
If InStr(1, qlm, "QUANTITY SUPPLY") > 0 Then
x = Split(qlm,"|")
extractQLlMax = X(ubound(x))
ElseIf extractQLinfoBool = "Yes" And Not InStr(1, qlm, "FILL") = 0 Then
perIndex = InStr(1, qlm, "PER")
extractQLlMax = Mid(qlm, 1, perIndex - 2)
End If
End Function
You might pass an optional parameter in to distinguish which number you want to pull.
Public Function days_supply(blurb As String, Optional i As Long = 1)
Dim sTMP As String
sTMP = Trim(Split(blurb, "|")(1))
If i = 1 Then
days_supply = CLng(Trim(Left(Replace(sTMP, " ", Space(99)), 99)))
sTMP = Trim(Mid(sTMP, InStr(1, LCase(sTMP), " in ", vbTextCompare) + 4, 9))
days_supply = CLng(Trim(Left(Replace(sTMP, " ", Space(99)), 99)))
End If
End Function
The formula in B1 is,
The formula in C1 is,
This is by far the shortest (5 lines) function to extract the numbers!
Function GetNumbers(str As String, Occur As Long) As Long
Dim regex As Object: Set regex = CreateObject("vbscript.RegExp")
regex.Pattern = "(\d+)"
Regex.Global = True
Set matches = regex.Execute(str)
GetNumbers = matches(Occur)
End Function
is the string to extract numbers fromOccur
is the occurrence of that number (it's 0-based so the first number will have the occurence of 0 not 1 and so on)