Trying to figure out why my recipient multiselect isn\'t validating on form submission. Should be atleast 1 person chosen. I have it set to be required true but yet its stil
You can use the following code to validate the single selection required.
The magic happens in this line:
ignore: ':hidden:not("#mySelect")'
It's necessary because as default jQuery Validate ignores hidden fields...
<form action="some/action" id="myForm" method="POST">
Select: <select class="someSelect" name="mySelect" id="mySelect" multiple="multiple">
<option value="some_val1">Some Value</option>
<option value="some_val2">Some Other Value</option>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
$(document).ready(function() {
noneSelectedText: 'Select Something (required)',
selectedList: 3,
classes: 'my-select'
$.validator.addMethod("needsSelection", function(value, element) {
return $(element).multiselect("getChecked").length > 0;
$.validator.messages.needsSelection = 'You gotta pick something.';
rules: {
mySelect: "required needsSelection",
input1: "required isPercent",
input2: "required",
input3: "required"
ignore: ':hidden:not("#mySelect")', // Tells the validator to check the hidden select
errorClass: 'invalid'
The accepted answer doesn't work anymore. The problem is that the "getChecked"
argument doesn't do anything anymore. Here is an updated, working version of the validation method
$.validator.addMethod("needsSelection", function (value, element) {
var count = $(element).find('option:selected').length;
return count > 0;