I try to get results from a webservice in the following way.
List result = new Vector();
LibrarySearchRequest request = new LibrarySearchRequest(queryString)
I had the same problem and after trying the Web Service using SoapUI, I discovered two inconsistencies between the fields I was getting in the response and the fields generated by the WSDL:
1- For some reason, when I generated my structure from the WSDL, it put a space after the field name, like this:
elemField.setXmlName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://namespaceuri.here", "book "));
I just removed that space and it fixed the problem.
2- In the response I was getting an additional field that was not present in my class. What I did here was to add the field to my class, and to add also in the static block, just like any other field.
Hope it helps.
Workaround for this problem:
Open your generated class(For this question it is librarysearch.soft.Book
). See the static code block which defines the properties(name, type, etc.) of fields.
You'll something like below:
elemField.setXmlName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("", "book"));
change it by adding namespaceURI to it (use same namespameURI
which is used at setXmlType
elemField.setXmlName(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("http://your.namespaceuri.here", "book"));
This could be related to this bug (AXIS-2758), unresolved with Axis 1.x.
This problem can appear if your client stub is not up to date with the server side (the WSDL file). You could have to re-generate it. Like with axistools:wsdl2java.
The best nowadays, provided you use at least Java 6, is maybe to use JAX-WS on the client side (JAX-WS Maven Plugin). But it could not work with old SOAP Services using RPC/Encoded... Prefer the Document/Literal style.