What is `dependency-reduced-pom.xml` file which created when calling maven package command?

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南笙 2020-12-21 08:50

I\'m following maven tutorial from springsource here, and after 1) adding joda-time dependency , and 2) calling mvn package commmand, we get the b

  • 2020-12-21 09:12

    If you set to true the flag createDependencyReducedPom (by default is true), the dependencies that have been included into the uber JAR will be removed from the <dependencies> section of the generated POM.

    The reduced POM will be named dependency-reduced-pom.xml and is stored into the same directory as the shaded artifact.

    Unless you also specify dependencyReducedPomLocation, the plugin will create a temporary file named dependency-reduced-pom.xml in the project basedir.

    Extracted from here http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-shade-plugin/shade-mojo.html#createDependencyReducedPom

    enter image description here

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  • 2020-12-21 09:17

    copied from What is the purpose of dependency-reduced-pom.xml generated by the shade plugin?:

    Well, if you have a module A with X dependencies, and shade some of them in a specific JAR (A-shaded.jar), then you won't need those shaded dependencies if you want to depend on A-shaded.jar instead of A.jar. So the plugin creates a pom.xml containing only the Y non-shaded dependencies.

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