AfterAll global hook cucumber-jvm

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南笙 2020-12-21 08:47

I\'m using cucumber-jvm in my integration tests and I need to execute some code after all scenarios are finished, just once.

After reading carefully som

  • 2020-12-21 08:57

    As of Cucumber 2.4.0, the following class gave me the equivalent of @BeforeClass in Junit.

    You can place this in test/java/cucumber/runtime.

    package cucumber.runtime; //cannot change.  can be under /test/java
    import cucumber.runtime.snippets.FunctionNameGenerator;
    import gherkin.pickles.PickleStep;
    import java.util.List;
    public class NameThisClassWhatever implements Backend {
        private Glue glue;
        private List<String> gluePaths;
        public void loadGlue(Glue glue, List<String> gluePaths) {
            this.glue = glue;
            this.gluePaths = gluePaths;
            //Any before steps here
        public void disposeWorld() {
            //any after steps here
        public void setUnreportedStepExecutor(UnreportedStepExecutor executor) { }
        public void buildWorld() { }
        public String getSnippet(PickleStep p, String s, FunctionNameGenerator fng) {
            return null;
        public NameThisClassWhatever(ResourceLoader resourceLoader)  { }
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  • 2020-12-21 09:00

    Probably a better way would be to use a build tool, like Ant, Maven or Gradle for set-up and tear-down actions, which are part of integration tests.

    When using Maven Fail Safe Plug-in, for setting up integration tests. There is the phase pre-integration-test, which is typically used for setting up the database and launch the web-container. Then the integration-tests are run (phase integration-test). And afterwards the phase post-integration-test is run, for shutting down and closing / removing / cleaning up things.

    INFO In case the Cucumber tests are run through JUnit, the following might also be worth considering

    In case it is simpler, smaller set up stuff, you can have a look at the JUnit @BeforeClass and @AfterClass. Or implement a JUnit @ClassRule, which has it's own before() and after() methods.

    public static ExternalResource resource = new ExternalResource() {
      protected void before() throws Throwable {
      protected void after() {
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