Table Structure:
Name Null Type
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The package needs a specification (i.e. a separate interface definition) as the error message says. You would have to add something like before the definition of the package body (i.e. its implementation):
CREATE OR REPLACE package salary_sal AS
PROCEDURE find_sal(c_dpt_no salary.dpt_no%TYPE);
END salary_sal;
You're missing the declaration of the package. The idea is to separate the declaration of the package ("the header", if you will), so other packages/procedures/functions can compile against it from the body (the implementation).
In your case, you'd need something like:
CREATE OR REPLACE package salary_sal AS
PROCEDURE find_sal(c_dpt_no salary.dpt_no%TYPE);
END salary_sal;
Now, once the package is declared, you can create its body:
CREATE OR REPLACE package body salary_sal AS
PROCEDURE find_sal(c_dpt_no salary.dpt_no%TYPE) IS
c_sal salary.salary%TYPE;
SELECT salary INTO c_sal
FROM salary
WHERE c_dpt_no= 108;
dbms_output.put_line('Salary: '|| c_sal);
END find_sal;
END salary_sal;
You neeed to create a package specifications and then only you can create a package body.
You need to execute the package i.e you execute the stored procedures,functions etc in the package.