Problem: using fold, take from the list elements which are on the even positions:
GHCi> evenOnly [1..10]
GHCi> evenOnly [\'a\'..
One ought not to calculate anything that doesn't need calculating. The choice is positional, it is already known in advance. Calculating the modulos, comparing with Booleans, is all superfluous work.
Instead, do this, then do that, and go on switching like that; using foldr
, as asked:
evenly :: [t] -> [t]
evenly xs = foldr c z xs f g
c x r f g = f x (r g f)
Next we finish up the definitions, according to how each is used:
z _ _ = []
f _ xs = xs
g x xs = x : xs
You can just zip
the above together with a sequence of numbers, like:
evenOnly :: [a] -> [a]
evenOnly = foldr (\(c, x) -> if c then (x:) else id) [] . zip (cycle [False, True])
Here cycle [False, True]
thus generates an infinite list of [False, True, False, True, …]
. In the foldr
we check the corresponding value c
that originates from the cycle [False, True]
. If it is True
, then we prepend the list with x
, otherwise we just pass the result of the recursive call with id
Or we can omit this, and use:
evenOnly :: [a] -> [a]
evenOnly = foldr (uncurry ($)) [] . zip (cycle [const id, (:)])
is function composition but zip g xs
is a list not a function. You can just apply the resulting list as the argument to foldr
directly. Note you have the arguments g
and xs
in the wrong order:
evenOnly :: [a] -> [a]
evenOnly xs = let g = iterate (\x -> (x + 1) `mod` 2) 0
foldr (\ (x, n) s -> if n == 1 then x : s else s) [] (zip xs g)
Pattern matching is a perfectly reasonable approach:
evenOnly :: [a] -> [a]
evenOnly (_ : a : as) = a : evenOnly as
evenOnly _ = []
Another option is to use a list comprehension:
evenOnly as = [a | (a, True) <- zip as (cycle [False, True])]
The list comprehension version will likely be a bit more efficient if it fuses with other list processing functions.