My question is quite simple I guess ... I would like to have my java Frame centered when I run my program.
I used the following code :
You can try this. It is working in my case.
Frame frame = new Frame("Centered Frame");
Dimension dimemsion = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
If you are using NetBeans, go to platee manager -> property -> form Size policy.
... This is the top left corner of the frame which ...
It seems the call is being made at the wrong time, before the frame has assumed the natural size. To fix that, do it in this order.
to cause the frame to become the minimum size needed to display the components it curently contains.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
OTOH: If it is your program running on your computer, go with that. But if you need to provide the app. to other people like me, please consider using setLocationByPlatform(true) (Windows demo. below).