With reference to the answer posted by Asperi (https://stackoverflow.com/users/12299030/asperi) on Question: Highlight a specific part of the text in SwiftUI
I have f
After much discussion in the comments, it became clear that I was hitting a maximum Text() concatenations limit, so beware, apparently there is one.
I realized however that I only needed to have a split Text("Word") when that particular word required special formatting (IE highlighting, etc), otherwise, I could concat all of the raw strings together and send that as a Text("String of words").
This approach mitigated the action of having every single word sent as a Text("Word" by itself and cut down greatly on the number of Text()'s being returned.
see code below that solved the issue:
func hilightedText(str: String) -> Text {
let textToSearch = searched
var result = Text(" ")
var words: String = " "
var foundWord = false
for line in str.split(whereSeparator: \.isNewline) {
for word in line.split(whereSeparator: \.isWhitespace) {
if word.localizedStandardContains(textToSearch) {
foundWord = true
result += Text(words) + Text(" ") + Text(word).bold().foregroundColor(.yellow)
} else {
if foundWord {
words = ""
foundWord = false
words += " " + word
words += "\n\n"
return result + Text(" ") + Text(words)
extension Text {
static func += (lhs: inout Text, rhs: Text) {
lhs = lhs + rhs
It could use some cleanup as also discussed in the comments for splitting by whitespace, etc, but this was just to overcome the issue of crashing. Needs some additional testing before I call it good, but no more crashing..
ADDED: the suggestion to use separator by .isWhiteSpace worked, but when I put it back together, everything was a space, no more line breaks, so I added the extra split by line breaks to preserve the line breaks.
Hmm... unexpected limitation... anyway - learn something new.
Ok, here is improved algorithm, which should move that limitation far away.
Tested with Xcode 12 / iOS 14. (also updated code in referenced topic Highlight a specific part of the text in SwiftUI)
func hilightedText(str: String, searched: String) -> Text {
guard !str.isEmpty && !searched.isEmpty else { return Text(str) }
var result = Text("")
var range = str.startIndex..<str.endIndex
repeat {
guard let found = str.range(of: searched, options: .caseInsensitive, range: range, locale: nil) else {
result = result + Text(str[range])
let prefix = str[range.lowerBound..<found.lowerBound]
result = result + Text(prefix) + Text(str[found]).bold().foregroundColor(.yellow)
range = found.upperBound..<str.endIndex
} while (true)
return result