I wanted to load component templateUrl
based on value passed from parent component. I know tt can be pass through property binding
to component by
Been struggling with something similar, but unfortunately you can't do this. Component templates are compiled at runtime. So, basically, I would make a component that compiles other child components (which I actually did)
is beign deprecated. You need to use the ComponentResolver class to load other components inside the main one, like so:
function makeComponent( selector, template, ...more )
@Component({ selector: selector, template: template })
class FakeComponent {}
return FakeComponent;
@Component({ ... })
export class MainCmp implements OnInit
// place to insert
@ViewChild('viewChild', {read: ViewContainerRef}) viewChild: ViewContainerRef;
constructor(private compiler: ComponentResolver){}
// or OnChanges, or event binding.. should work
// decide on your custom logic here, get you @Input, whatever...
// and you can actually make some custom dynamic component...
let childCmp = makeComponent( custom, stuff, here );
// compile then insert in your location, defined by viewChild
this.compiler.resolveComponent( childCmp )
.then( (compFactory:ComponentFactory) => this.viewChild.createComponent(compFactory) )