I have the following array:
$name_arr = array(\'raj\',\'raj\',\'ganesh\',\'rahul\',\'ganesh\',\'mayur\',\'raj\',\'rahul\');
I want to sort
Simple way using array_count_values and arsort:-
$array = array_count_values($name_arr); //get all occurrences of each values
print_r($array);//print occurrences array
$final_array = array();
foreach($array as $key=>$val){ // iterate over occurrences array
for($i=0;$i<$val;$i++){ //apply loop based on occurrences number
$final_array[] = $key; // assign same name to the final array
print_r($final_array); // print final array
Output:- https://eval.in/847428
$name_arr = array('raj','raj','ganesh','rahul','ganesh','mayur','raj','rahul');
Array (raj , raj , raj , rahul , rahul, mayur, ganesh, ganesh )
The easiest way to solve this is by using the built-in functions array_count_values()
and usort()
$name_arr = array('raj','raj','ganesh','rahul','ganesh','mayur','raj','rahul');
$valueCount = array_count_values($name_arr);
$final_arr = $name_arr;
usort($final_arr, function ($a, $b) use ($valueCount) {
return $valueCount[$b] - $valueCount[$a];
For reference, see:
For an example, see:
simple use array_count_values
and array_fill
and array_merge
1st : array_count_values will get the values presented count as a array like below .
Array ( [raj] => 3 [ganesh] => 2 [rahul] => 2 [mayur] => 1 )
2nd : Apply arsort() . descending order, according to the value
3rd : Loop that array and make the new array based on count fill the array using array_fill .
4th : Then merge the array .
$name_arr = array('raj','raj','ganesh','rahul','ganesh','mayur','raj','rahul');
$new_arr = array_count_values($name_arr);
foreach($new_arr as $key=>$val){
$value= array_merge($value,array_fill(0,$val,$key));