I have written a C code for getting the list of youtube videos for the url \"*http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/top_rated*\" using the libsoup library. I can
Well, I've whipped something basic up using jQuery, a javascript framework, that makes a GET request to that url, and retrieves the data in jsonp format. Then parses some basic info (title and link) about each entry out and appends it to an unordered list within a div with id of data
, as long as the bits of data are not undefined for that entry. This works if you stick it in a script tag with jQuery loaded on the page and run it. I'm not going to go into all the details of how this works, because you said you'd be willing to put in some effort. But I'll get you started with some links and basic explanations.
This example utilizes:
Without further adieu:
$("body").append("<div id = 'data'><ul></ul></div>");
$.getJSON("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/standardfeeds/top_rated?callback=?&alt=jsonc&v=2", function(data) {
var dataContainer = $("#data ul");
$.each(data.data.items, function(i, val) {
if (typeof(val.player) !== 'undefined' && typeof(val.title) !== 'undefined') {
dataContainer.append("<li><a href = "+val.player.default+" target = '_blank'>"+val.title+"</a></li>");
That should be enough to get you "pointed in the right direction." If you have any questions, make a comment and I'll do my best to answer them.
Yes, you can ^^
The youtube-API also provides jsonp, which returns the data as a JS-command.
Watch this(and see the parameters inside the URL):
With jsonp you don't have any sameOriginPolicies-restrictions, while it not works with AJAX.
It would be easy using a library like jQuery.
If you don't want to use jQuery or anything like this, you have to inject a <script>
-element to the DOM with the URL as src-attribute, and create a function (using the above URL has to be named "someFunction") that works with the data.
The YouTube API supports JSONP (JavaScript Object Notation w/ Padding). JSONP allows you to make external site requests to gain data. But you don't really need to know all that. The basic idea is you inject a script tag with a request as the src attribute.
But nowadays, you don't really need to do that either unless you want to learn hard-core Javascript. The code is all written for you in brilliant Javascript Libraries. I recommend that you use jQuery to make the JSONP request. jQuery is a simple library that can be used by adding a single line of code to your HTML document.
Once you get jQuery up and running, you can use the getJSON command to parse the JSONP data. At that point, you will get an object with all of the data you need, and you can choose how you want to output the data.