I\'m trying to put image in clipboard when user copies canvas selection:
So I thou
Here is a hacky-way to get you synchronously from a blob to it's bytes. I'm not sure how well this works for any binary data.
function blobToUint8Array(b) {
var uri = URL.createObjectURL(b),
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(),
xhr.open('GET', uri, false);
ui8 = new Uint8Array(xhr.response.length);
for (i = 0; i < xhr.response.length; ++i) {
ui8[i] = xhr.response.charCodeAt(i);
return ui8;
var b = new Blob(['abc'], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
blobToUint8Array(b); // [97, 98, 99]
You should consider keeping it async but making it two-stage, though, as you may end up locking up the browser.
Additionally, you can skip Blobs entirely by including a binary-safe Base64 decoder, and you probably don't need to go via Base64 AND Blob, just one of them.
Blob can be converted to binary string by getting Blob as dataURI and then applying atob. This, however, again [requires FileReader][3]
. In my case, it's best to skip the blob alltogether:
//Canvas to binary
var data = atob(
_this.editor.selection.getSelectedImage() //Canvas
.toDataURL("image/png") //Base64 URI
.split(',')[1] //Base64 code