I\'d like to parse status.dat file for nagios3 and output as xml with a python script. The xml part is the easy one but how do I go about parsing the file? Use multi line re
Pfft, get yerself mk_livestatus. http://mathias-kettner.de/checkmk_livestatus.html
Nagiosity does exactly what you want:
Having shamelessly stolen from the above examples, Here's a version build for Python 2.4 that returns a dict containing arrays of nagios sections.
def parseConf(source):
conf = {}
for line in source.splitlines():
matchID = patID.match(line)
matchAttr = patAttr.match(line)
matchEndID = patEndID.match( line)
if len(line) == 0 or line[0]=='#':
elif matchID:
identifier = matchID.group(1)
cur = [identifier, {}]
elif matchAttr:
attribute = matchAttr.group(1)
value = matchAttr.group(2).strip()
cur[1][attribute] = value
elif matchEndID and cur:
del cur
return conf
To get all Names your Host which have contactgroups beginning with 'devops':
hostlist=[host['host_name'] for host in nagcfg['host']
if host['contact_groups'].startswith('devops')]
If you slightly tweak Andrea's solution you can use that code to parse both the status.dat as well as the objects.cache
def parseConf(source):
conf = []
for line in source.splitlines():
matchID = re.match(r"(?:\s*define)?\s*(\w+)\s+{", line)
matchAttr = re.match(r"\s*(\w+)(?:=|\s+)(.*)", line)
matchEndID = re.match(r"\s*}", line)
if len(line) == 0 or line[0]=='#':
elif matchID:
identifier = matchID.group(1)
cur = [identifier, {}]
elif matchAttr:
attribute = matchAttr.group(1)
value = matchAttr.group(2).strip()
cur[1][attribute] = value
elif matchEndID and cur:
del cur
return conf
It is a little puzzling why nagios chose to use two different formats for these files, but once you've parsed them both into some usable python objects you can do quite a bit of magic through the external command file.
If anybody has a solution for getting this into a a real xml dom that'd be awesome.
Don't know nagios and its config file, but the structure seems pretty simple:
# comment
identifier {
which can simply be translated to
<attribute name="attribute-name">attribute-value</attribute>
all contained inside a root-level <nagios> tag.
I don't see line breaks in the values. Does nagios have multi-line values?
You need to take care of equal signs within attribute values, so set your regex to non-greedy.
You can do something like this:
def parseConf(filename):
conf = []
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for i in f.readlines():
if i[0] == '#': continue
matchID = re.search(r"([\w]+) {", i)
matchAttr = re.search(r"[ ]*([\w]+)=([\w\d]*)", i)
matchEndID = re.search(r"[ ]*}", i)
if matchID:
identifier = matchID.group(1)
cur = [identifier, {}]
elif matchAttr:
attribute = matchAttr.group(1)
value = matchAttr.group(2)
cur[1][attribute] = value
elif matchEndID:
return conf
def conf2xml(filename):
conf = parseConf(filename)
xml = ''
for ID in conf:
xml += '<%s>\n' % ID[0]
for attr in ID[1]:
xml += '\t<attribute name="%s">%s</attribute>\n' % \
(attr, ID[1][attr])
xml += '</%s>\n' % ID[0]
return xml
Then try to do:
print conf2xml('conf.dat')