I am developing an e-commerce mobiloe application using magento 2 rest apis only.This is the flow for making the REST API calls for order placement.
If you use the below to run a post query replace runPostQuery with your curl request. this will pass a token that already has been successful to magento 2.
$payment['paymentMethod'] = ['method' =>'paypal_express',
'additional_data' => array (
'paypal_express_checkout_token' => $request->query->get('token'),
'paypal_express_checkout_redirect_required' => false,
'paypal_express_checkout_payer_id' => $request->query->get('PayerID')
$completedPayment = $this->runPostQuery('carts/mine/payment-information', $headers, json_encode($payment));
You will need to create a plugin to add the last transaction id to the payment see the above comment, but the above payload to payment-information will allow you to get past _placeOrder function in Paypal\Model\Express.php
The paypal_express_checkout_token is the token passed back to the browser from paypal same as PayerId this allows to check the payment, which will return successful and not require a redirect, but is not the payment reference just the action token.
In case someone still looking the solution.
In the time I'm answering this, You will need to create a Magento 2 module to process the payment ID.
After you receive the response from in example Paypal android SDK.
Below is the JSON format that you can send to Magento endpoint :
Referrence : http://devdocs.magento.com/swagger
The "paypal_express_payment_payload" is just a custom attribute to hold the paypal payment response previously from android SDK.
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "paypal_express",
"additional_data": {
"paypal_express_payment_payload": "{\"create_time\":\"2017-06-15T23:13:52Z\",\"id\":\"PAY-2LB41725NU654612TLFBRIUQ\",\"intent\":\"sale\",\"state\":\"approved\"}"
To process the "paypal_express_payment_payload" data, you can implement a Interceptor in your Magento 2 module :
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<type name="Magento\Paypal\Model\Express">
<plugin name="mymodule_magento_paypal_model_express_plugin"
disabled="false" />
You can find the full PHP codes in my following gist : https://gist.github.com/feelinc/de817030e00adc7ff7001de1807c1835
Paypal Express payment method doesn't support online capturing. There is no way to get a full order creation flow like on Checkout via Magento API interface. It is impossible to change the order state and process payments. As a workaround try the following:
I am writting a complete atrticle regarding this step by step. I will let you know when it is done.