I\'m fairly new to Celery and I\'ve been attempting setup a simple script to schedule and unschedule tasks. However I feel like I\'m running into a weird issue. I have the f
To repeat call to get list of tasks in queues you have to create new instance of Celery object. I was trying to figure out why it's necessary by debugging code executed by calling ./manage.py celery inspect scheduled
but without any luck. Maybe someone will have more experience with that and add some additional informations to this answer.
Try this simple snippet for checking list of scheduled tasks:
from celery import Celery
def inspect(method):
app = Celery('app', broker='amqp://')
return getattr(app.control.inspect(), method)()
print inspect('scheduled')
print inspect('active')
Thanks to daniula,
I'm using this code in django-celery-rabbitmq and i need to close app instance aftert inspect... like this:
from celery import Celery
def inspect(method):
app = Celery('app', broker='amqp://')
inspect_result = getattr(app.control.inspect(), method)()
return inspect_result
print inspect('scheduled')
print inspect('active')
In my case if i don't call app.close() socket connection to rabbitmq still alive (active), in this way all socket descriptors will be consumed and after that, new socket connection cannot be available, so everything stop to work.