I have to read a data file that contains numbers formatted with (very) old FORTRAN style. A line of the file looks like this:
4.500000+1 1.894719-3 4.600000
You could use the Fortran Format Library for Python as follows,
>>> import fortranformat as ff
>>> reader = ff.FortranRecordReader('(6F13.7)')
>>> reader.read(' 4.500000+1 1.894719-3 4.600000+1 8.196721-3 4.700000+1 2.869539-3')
[45.0, 0.001894719, 46.0, 0.008196721, 47.0, 0.002869539]
This library has been extensively tested aginst Intel's ifort 9.1 compiler to match exactly some of the weirder FORTRAN textual IO.
Install using
pip install fortranformat
I should declare a bias since I wrote this library ...
this should work:
In [47]: strs="4.500000+1 1.894719-3 4.600000+1 8.196721-3 4.700000+1 2.869539-3"
In [48]: [float(x.replace("+","e+").replace("-","e-")) for x in strs.split()]
Out[48]: [45.0, 0.001894719, 46.0, 0.008196721, 47.0, 0.002869539]
Another approach is to use a system command to access AWK:
Note the escaping of the " characters inside COMMAND
import subprocess
COMMAND = "awk 'gsub(/D/,\"E\");{print}' epsc8.out > epsc8E.out"
subprocess.call(COMMAND, shell=True)
You could use a regular expression to insert the "E"s before passing the numbers to float
re.sub(r'(\d)([-+])', r'\1E\2', number)