I am performing a count based on a date range. Currently the query does return the correct result but I require additional information. In it\'s current form, the query show
Generally speaking, to get records with counts of 0, you need an outer join of some sort so you count the rows that have no match. You can even use a cross-join of all the options you want counts for. Alternatively, I often implement this type of count by using a correlated subquery. Here are a couple of general examples:
-- Get count using left join
select c.customer_id,
count(o.order_id) as num
from customers c
left join orders o on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
group by c.customer_id
-- Get count using correlated subquery
select c.customer_id,
(select count(*) from orders where customer_id = c.customer_id) as Num
from customers c
Another possibility, if you've got a working query, is to hack together something like this:
-- Create a cte of the original query that we will use multiple times
;WITH cte as (
SELECT Tree.Type as 'Requirement Type'
, COUNT(Tree.Type) as 'Number in Creation Range'
FROM [Tree]
INNER JOIN @ReqType As RT on RT.Type = Tree.Type
INNER JOIN [Project_INFO] ON [Project_INFO].[ProjectID]=[Tree].[Project_ID]
INNER JOIN @CreationCount AS CCount ON CCount.BaselineID=Tree.Baseline_ID
WHERE [Project_INFO].[Name] = 'Address Book' AND CCount.Name = 'Current Baseline'
AND [Tree].[creationDate] >= ('2010-01-01') and [Tree].[creationDate] < ('2020-01-01')
GROUP BY tree.Type
-- Grab the counts of records with matches
select *
from cte
-- Grab the zero counts (records not in the original query)
union all
select Tree.Type, 0
from [Tree]
where Tree.Type not in (
select Tree.Type
from cte
I think will need to count CCount.BaselineID and use a left join
If you count on Tree.Type you would not get a zero on rows with no match
And you do know that date range will return zero
SELECT Tree.Type as 'Requirement Type'
, COUNT(CCount.BaselineID) as 'Number in Creation Range'
FROM [Tree]
on RT.Type = Tree.Type
ON [Project_INFO].[ProjectID] = [Tree].[Project_ID]
OUTER JOIN @CreationCount AS CCount
ON CCount.BaselineID=Tree.Baseline_ID
WHERE [Project_INFO].[Name] = 'Address Book'
AND CCount.Name = 'Current Baseline'
AND [Tree].[creationDate] >= ('2010-01-01')
and [Tree].[creationDate] < ('2020-01-01')
GROUP BY tree.Type
Modify the second query
SELECT Tree.Type as 'Requirement Type',
COUNT(CASE WHEN [Tree].[creationDate] >= ('2010-01-01') and [Tree].[creationDate] < ('2020-01-01') THEN Tree.Type END) AS 'Number in Creation Range'
FROM [Tree]
INNER JOIN @ReqType As RT on RT.Type = Tree.Type
INNER JOIN [Project_INFO] ON [Project_INFO].[ProjectID]=[Tree].[Project_ID]
INNER JOIN @CreationCount AS CCount ON CCount.BaselineID=Tree.Baseline_ID
WHERE [Project_INFO].[Name] = 'Address Book' AND CCount.Name = 'Current Baseline'
GROUP BY tree.Type