I have a list:
List userList = new ArrayList<>();
Where I add the following:
User father = new User()
Answer to your question is here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1385698/2068880
Stream peters = userList.stream().filter(p -> p.user.name.equals("Peter"))
However, as ruakh suggested, it's more reasonable to use Map<String, UserItem>
to make it faster. Otherwise, it will iterate all the objects in the list to find users with name "Peter".
The obvious solution would be iterating on the list and when the condition is met, return the object:
for (User user : userList) {
if ("peter".equals(user.getName()) {
return user;
And you can use filter
(Java 8):
List<User> l = list.stream()
.filter(s -> "peter".equals(s.getUser()))
to get a list with all "peter" users.
As suggested in comments, I think using Map is a better option here.
Other way with parallelStream with findAny
Optional<UserItem> optional = userList.parallelStream().findAny(p -> p.user.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Peter"));
UserItem user = optional.isPresent() ? optional.get() : null;