Does anyone have a script to list of CREATE INDEX statements for all existing indexes in a SQL Server database?
This thread List of all index & index columns in
Use Generate Scripts from SQL Management Studio and choose the "Script Indexes" options (under Advanced Scripting options)
I wrote something for that a while ago. You might have to modify it for your needs, but at least you have a skeleton.
if exists (select 1 from information_schema.routines where routine_name = 'Script_CreateIndex')
drop proc Script_CreateIndex
create proc Script_CreateIndex (
@TableName varchar(124)
if not exists (select 1 from sys.indexes where object_name(object_id) = @TableName and type_desc in ('CLUSTERED', 'NONCLUSTERED'))
declare @IndexList table (
Id int identity,
IndexName varchar(124),
IndexDescription varchar(max),
IndexKeys varchar(max)
insert @IndexList(IndexName, IndexDescription, IndexKeys)
exec sp_helpindex @TableName
if (select count(*) from @IndexList) > 0
select '-- Creating indexes for table ' + @TableName
while exists (select 1 from @IndexList)
declare @Id int, @IndexName varchar(124), @IndexDescription varchar(max), @IndexKeys varchar(max)
select top 1 @Id = Id, @IndexName = IndexName, @IndexDescription = IndexDescription, @IndexKeys = IndexKeys from @IndexList order by Id
delete from @IndexList where Id = @Id
declare @Clustered varchar(10), @Unique varchar(7)
select @Clustered = case when patindex('%nonclustered%', @IndexDescription) > 0 then '' else ' clustered ' end
select @Unique = case when patindex('%unique%', @IndexDescription) > 0 then ' unique ' else '' end
select 'if not exists (select 1 from sys.indexes where name = ''' + @IndexName + ''')'
select 'begin'
select char(9) + 'create' + @Unique + @Clustered + ' index [' + @IndexName + '] on [' + @TableName + '](' + @IndexKeys + ')'
select char(9) + 'select ''Index ' + @IndexName + ' created.'''
select 'end'
select 'go'
select ''
select ''
grant exec on Script_CreateIndex to public
select 'Script_CreateIndex compiled.' 'Job'
Check my solution here:
Create Drop Rebuild
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [PK_Table1] ON [Table1] ( [Tab1_ID] ) DROP INDEX [PK_Table1] ON [Table1] ALTER INDEX [PK_Table1] ON [Table1] REBUILD
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX [IX_Table1_Name] ON [Table1] ( [Tab1_Name] ) DROP INDEX [IX_Table1_Name] ON [Table1] ALTER INDEX [IX_Table1_Name] ON [Table1] REBUILD
CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Table2] ON [Table2] ( [Tab2_Name], [Tab2_City] ) INCLUDE ( [Tab2_PhoneNo] ) DROP INDEX [IX_Table2] ON [Table2] ALTER INDEX [IX_Table2] ON [Table2] REBUILD
You can do it on a table by table basis by using the "Object Explorer" window
Go to the Indexes folder in Management studio, highlight the folder then open the Object Explorer pane
You can then "shift Select" all of the indexes on that table, if you right click to script "CREATE TO" it will create a script with all the relevant indexes for you.