I need a way to run an update function of my own in the main thread. I couldn\'t find a signal that would tick me every time the main loop runs.
Am I doing this wr
QTimer::singleShot(0, []{/* your code here */});
That's about it, really. Using a 0ms timer means your code will run on the next event loop iteration. If you want to make sure the code won't run if a certain object doesn't exist anymore, provide a context object:
QTimer::singleShot(0, contextObj, []{/* your code here */});
This is well documented.
I used a lambda here just for the example. Obviously you can provide a slot function instead if the code is long.
If you want your code to be executed repeatedly on every event loop iteration instead of just once, then use a normal QTimer that is not in single-shot mode:
auto timer = new QTimer(parent);
connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, contextObj, []{/* your code here */});
(Note: the interval is 0ms by default if you don't set it, so QTimer::timeout()
is emitted every time events have finished processing.)
Here's where this behavior is documented.
And it goes without saying that if the code that is executed takes too long to complete, your GUI is going to freeze during execution.
Yet another way would be to override:
bool QCoreApplication::event(QEvent *e)
register a user QEvent
and post the event to QCoreApplicatio::instance()
. Obviously, the QTimer
approach is superior, but this one will work even if the issuing thread was not created by Qt (QThread
class MainThreadEvent: public QEvent
std::function<void()> f_;
template <typename F>
explicit MainThreadEvent(F&& f) :
void invoke()
static auto event_type()
static int et{-1};
return QEvent::Type(-1 == et ? et = registerEventType() : et);
template <typename F>
static void post(F&& f)
auto const app(QCoreApplication::instance());
app->postEvent(app, new MainThreadEvent(std::forward<F>(f)));
class UserApplication: public QApplication
using QApplication::QApplication;
bool event(QEvent* const e) final
if (MainThreadEvent::event_type() == e->type())
return static_cast<MainThreadEvent*>(e)->invoke(), true;
return QApplication::event(e);
EDIT: example for an update()
from an arbitrary thread:
[p = QPointer(this)]()
if (p)
Alternatively, if you want to execute your code every time the event loop runs you can use the slot method invocation via the queued connection:
class EvtLoopTicker : public QObject
EvtLoopTicker(QObject *pParent = nullptr)
: QObject(pParent)
public slots:
void launch()
private slots:
void tick()
qDebug() << "tick";
// Continue ticking
void tickNext()
// Trigger the tick() invokation when the event loop runs next time
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "tick", Qt::QueuedConnection);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
EvtLoopTicker ticker;
return a.exec();