Good day,
In above picture, stylelint prompt a CSS error in a JS file. Is there a way to stop stylelint from validating javascript file, I coundn\'t find su
Look at this part in the documentation.
You can specify /* stylelint-disable */
at the top of a file to disable the whole file from being lint.
Or, better, juste specify /* stylelint-disable-line */
to disable for a single line.
The linter can be configured to ignore specific files using the ignoreFiles property of the stylelint configuration object.
You can try ignoring JavaScript files with:
"ignoreFiles": ["**/*.js"],
"rules": { .. }
I believe the stylelint Visual Studio Code extension will respect this property.
stylelint:validate You can stop style-lint from VScode to ignore the javascript file too.
In settings search for stylelint -> at the bottom you can see Stylelint:Validate part. Select javascript and delete. It should fix your problem