I\'m trying to do a seemingly very simple task. Given a dataframe:
daf = pd.DataFrame({\'co\':[\'g\',\'r\',\'b\',\'r\',\'g\',\'r\',\'b\',\'g\'], \'sh\':[
It can be done more simply using pandas.crosstab
>>> pandas.crosstab(d.co, d.sh)
sh c r s
b 1 1 0
g 1 2 0
r 0 1 2
You can do it with pivot_table
, but it will give you NaN instead of 0 for missing combos. You need to specify len
as the aggregating function:
>>> d.pivot_table(index='co', columns='sh', aggfunc=len)
sh c r s
b 1 1 NaN
g 1 2 NaN
r NaN 1 2