Can a default locale value be places in php.ini or .htaccess ?
The equivalent of the php function
setlocale(LC_MONETARY, \'it_IT\');
It can, take a look at intl.default_locale.
Sadly there is no way at this time to set this configuration PHP wide.
I've been looking at the code and the ENV method doesn't work since LC_*
variables are not treated like the other ones.
You can patch PHP to use your locale instead of the default 'C'
one or make a module if you really need to.
But the actual way to go is to do it at the script level.
EDIT: using auto_prepend_file in php.ini lets you run add some code before any script executed, so it looks like a nice place to use setlocale.
There's nothing in the php.ini to help you. But as alternative you could try setting environment variables from .htaccess
SetEnv LC_ALL it_IT.UTF-8
But these settings only take effect for CGI and FastCGI versions of PHP at best, not for the usual mod_php installation.