I have been trying to write this loop and it just keeps getting more complicated. Basically I want to take a given date and loop through every month until I reach the curren
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Today;
for (DateTime dt = startDate; dt <= endDate; dt = dt.AddMonths(1))
Console.WriteLine("{0:M/yyyy}", dt);
But if you prefer while loops, then vote for Dan-o. I did. :)
This will loop over the months and the day of the month will not be a problem.
var date = startDate;
var endDate = DateTime.Now;
while(date.Year < endDate.Year || (date.Year == endDate.Year && date.Month <= endDate.Month))
date = date.AddMonths(1);
Sam's answer is nice but ultimately incorrect (if your start day is 20 and your end day is 10, it won't include the last month). Here's a version that works:
public void GetMonths(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
var dateCounter = new DateTime(startTime.Year, startTime.Month, 1);
var endDateTarget = new DateTime(endTime.Year, endTime.Month, 1);
while (dateCounter <= endDateTarget)
Console.WriteLine($"The year and month is: {dateCounter.Year}, {dateCounter.Month}");
dateCounter = dateCounter.AddMonths(1);
Date target = new Date(2011, 4, 1);
while (target < Date.Today) {
// do something with target.Month and target.Year
target = target.AddMonths(1);
while (startDate <= DateTime.Now)
//here you will get every new month in year
//Add Month
Generate a range (as IEnumerable`DateTime) of first days of a month in between of a given dates:
from range in new[] {
new {
start = new DateTime(2017, 6, 23),
end = new DateTime(2018, 09, 11)
select (
from y in Enumerable.Range(
range.start.Year, range.end.Year -
range.start.Year + 1
let ms = y == range.start.Year ? range.start.Month : 1
let me = y == range.end.Year ? range.end.Month : 12
from m in Enumerable.Range(ms, me - ms + 1)
select new DateTime(y, m, 1)
).SelectMany(y => y)