In the MongoDB collection I\'m querying, each document represents an item at a specific time. When updating a document, a new document is created with the same item id and a
One can consider changing the document's schema to better suit your queries, and reduce the overhead of aggregation. Instead of creating a new document for each revision, you could push revision sub-documents onto an array and maintain the latest revision at the parent document; for example:
_id: x,
itemId: 123,
createdOn: ISODate("2014-02-09T14:26:20.102Z"),
field1: "baz",
field2: "fiz,
revisions: [
{createdOn: ISODate("2013-01-30T11:16:20.102Z"), field1: "foo", field2: "bar"},
{createdOn: ISODate("2014-02-09T14:26:20.102Z"), field1: "baz", field2: "fiz"}
Keep in mind that MongoDB enforces a document-size limit of 16MB; this should suffice for most use cases. This would make your queries very simple: db.collection.find({field1: "foo"})
Just another approach...
You are mixing a few methods here when you can be doing everything in the aggregation pipeline. Otherwise it's just a matter of getting your steps in the right order:
{$sort: { createdOn: -1 }},
{$group: { _id: "$itemId",
createdOn: {$first: "$createdOn"},
field1: {$first: "$field1" },
field2: {$first: "$field2" }
{$match: { field1: "foo" }}
So sort first for newest documents. Group on the itemId
( order will be maintained for $first ), and then filter with $match if you must. But your grouped documents will be latest ones.