Sage Pay v3.00 Integration

前端 未结 3 1807
萌比男神i 2020-12-20 09:17

Can anyone help me incorporate the Sagepay v3.00 AES/CBC/PKCS#5 algorithm (encryption) into the following file. I\'m really struggling to understand how to include so that c

  • 2020-12-20 09:47

    You could try this. I can't test it, so let me know how you get on.

        if ( !defined('IN_CSCART') ) { die('Access denied'); }
        if (defined('PAYMENT_NOTIFICATION')) {  
        // Get the password
        $payment_id=db_get_field("SELECT $db_tables[payments].payment_id FROM $db_tables[payments] LEFT JOIN $db_tables[payment_processors] ON $db_tables
        [payment_processors].processor_id = $db_tables[payments].processor_id WHERE $db_tables[payment_processors].processor_script='protx_form.php'");
        $processor_data = fn_get_payment_method_data($payment_id);
        #Rik added:
        $result = "&".decryptAes($_REQUEST['crypt'], $processor_data["params"]["password"])."&";
        #$result = "&".simpleXor(base64Decode($_REQUEST['crypt']), $processor_data["params"]["password"])."&";
        preg_match("/Status=(.+)&/U", $result, $a);
        if(trim($a[1]) == "OK") {
            $pp_response['order_status'] = ($processor_data["params"]["transaction_type"] == 'PAYMENT') ? 'P' : 'O';
            preg_match("/TxAuthNo=(.+)&/U", $result, $authno);
            $pp_response["reason_text"] = "AuthNo: ".$authno[1];
            preg_match("/VPSTxID={(.+)}/U", $result, $transaction_id);
            $pp_response["transaction_id"] = @$transaction_id[1];
        } else {
            $pp_response['order_status'] = 'F';
            preg_match("/StatusDetail=(.+)&/U", $result, $stat);
            $pp_response["reason_text"] = "Status: ".trim($stat[1])." (".trim($a[1]).") ";
        preg_match("/AVSCV2=(.*)&/U", $result, $avs);
        if(!empty($avs[1])) {
            $pp_response['descr_avs'] = $avs[1];
        include $payment_files_dir.'payment_cc_complete.php';
            global $http_location, $b_order, $_total_back;
            $post_address = ($processor_data['params']['testmode'] != "N") ? "" : 
            $post["VPSProtocol"] = "2.23";
            $post["TxType"] = $processor_data["params"]["transaction_type"];
            $post["Vendor"] = htmlspecialchars($processor_data["params"]["vendor"]);
            // Form Cart products
            $strings = 0;
            if (is_array($cart['products'])) {
                $strings += count($cart['products']);
            if (!empty($cart['products'])) {
                foreach ($cart['products'] as $v) {
                    $_product = db_get_field("SELECT product FROM $db_tables[product_descriptions] WHERE product_id='$v[product_id]' AND lang_code='$cart_language'");
                    $products_string .= ":".str_replace(":", " ", $_product).":".$v['amount'].":".fn_format_price($v['subtotal']/$v['amount']).":::".fn_format_price($v
            if (!empty($cart['payment_surcharge'])) {
                $products_string .= ":Payment surcharge:---:---:---:---:".fn_format_price($cart['payment_surcharge']);
                $strings ++;
            if (!empty($cart['shipping_cost'])) {
                $products_string .= ":Shipping cost:---:---:---:---:".fn_format_price($cart['shipping_cost']);
                $strings ++;
            $post_encrypted .= "Basket=".$strings.$products_string;
        #Rik added:
         $post["Crypt"] = "@".encryptAes($post_encrypted, $processor_data["params"]["password"]);
        #    $post["Crypt"] = base64_encode(simpleXor($post_encrypted, $processor_data["params"]["password"]));
        #    $post["Crypt"] = htmlspecialchars($post["Crypt"]);
            $msg = fn_get_lang_var('text_cc_processor_connection');
            $msg = str_replace('[processor]', 'Protx Server', $msg);
        echo <<<EOT
        <body onLoad="document.process.submit();">
        <form action="{$post_address}" method="POST" name="process">
        <INPUT type=hidden name="VPSProtocol" value="{$post['VPSProtocol']}">
        <INPUT type=hidden name="Vendor" value="{$post['Vendor']}">
        <INPUT type=hidden name="TxType" value="{$post['TxType']}">
        <INPUT type=hidden name="Crypt" value="{$post['Crypt']}">
        <div align=center>{$msg}</div>
        // ---------------- Additional functions ------------
        function simpleXor($InString, $Key) {
        $KeyList = array();
        $output = "";
        for($i = 0; $i < strlen($Key); $i++){
            $KeyList[$i] = ord(substr($Key, $i, 1));
        for($i = 0; $i < strlen($InString); $i++) {
            $output.= chr(ord(substr($InString, $i, 1)) ^ ($KeyList[$i % strlen($Key)]));
        return $output;
        function base64Decode($scrambled) {
        // Initialise output variable
        $output = "";
        // Fix plus to space conversion issue
        $scrambled = str_replace(" ","+",$scrambled);
        // Do encoding
        $output = base64_decode($scrambled);
        // Return the result
        return $output;
        #added by Rik
        function addPKCS5Padding($input)
             $blockSize = 16;
             $padd = "";
             $length = $blockSize - (strlen($input) % $blockSize);
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++)
             $padd .= chr($length);
             return $input . $padd;
        function removePKCS5Padding($input)
            $blockSize = 16;
            $padChar = ord($input[strlen($input) - 1]);
            $unpadded = substr($input, 0, (-1) * $padChar);
            return $unpadded;
        function encryptAes($string, $key)
            $string = addPKCS5Padding($string);
            $crypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $key);
            return  strtoupper(bin2hex($crypt));
        function decryptAes($strIn, $password)
        #Sagepay specific - remove the '@'
        $strIn = substr($strIn,1)
            $strInitVector = $password;
            $strIn = pack('H*', $hex);
            $string = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $password, $strIn, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC,$strInitVector);
            return removePKCS5Padding($string);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-20 09:55

    You could try dropping the following functions into the script, then swapping out simpleXor for encryptAes. Make sure that you also add an '@' symbol as the first character of the crypt string (and strip it off when decoding the response from Sage Pay).

    function addPKCS5Padding($input)
         $blockSize = 16;
         $padd = "";
         $length = $blockSize - (strlen($input) % $blockSize);
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++)
         $padd .= chr($length);
         return $input . $padd;
    function removePKCS5Padding($input)
        $blockSize = 16;
        $padChar = ord($input[strlen($input) - 1]);
        $unpadded = substr($input, 0, (-1) * $padChar);
        return $unpadded;
    function encryptAes($string, $key)
        $string = addPKCS5Padding($string);
        $crypt = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $key);
        return  strtoupper(bin2hex($crypt));
    function decryptAes($strIn, $password)
        $strInitVector = $password;
        $strIn = pack('H*', $hex);
        $string = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $password, $strIn, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC,$strInitVector);
        return removePKCS5Padding($string);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-20 09:55
    /*First build your data. */
    $data = 'variableA='.$this->variableA;
    $data .= '&variableB='.$this->variableB;
    $data .= '&variableZ='.$this->variableZ;
    /** Encript data */
    $dataEncrip = $this->encData($data);
    /** function to Encrypt *//
    public function encData($data){
      $data = $this->pkcs5_pad( $data, 16);
      $dataEnc = "@".bin2hex( mcrypt_encrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,
      return $dataEnc;                                                           
     /** Pkcs5_pad */
    public function pkcs5_pad( $data, $blocksize ){
        $pad = $blocksize - (strlen( $data ) % $blocksize);
        return $data . str_repeat( chr( $pad ), $pad );
    0 讨论(0)