I have an xtraGrid control (v12.1) binded to a bindingSource, this last gets its data from a LINQ to entities query (EF4.3.1), the end user can filter and sort the gridView,
var data = GetDataView(xtraGridControl1);
report.RegData("List", data.ToTable());
public DataView GetDataView(GridControl gc)
DataView dv = null;
if (gc.FocusedView != null && gc.FocusedView.DataSource != null)
var view = (ColumnView)gc.FocusedView;
var currentList = listBindingSource.List.CopyToDataTable().DefaultView; //(DataView)
var filterExpression = GetFilterExpression(view);
var sortExpression = GetSortExpression(view);
var currentFilter = currentList.RowFilter;
//create a new data view
dv = new DataView(currentList.Table) {Sort = sortExpression};
if (filterExpression != String.Empty)
if (currentFilter != String.Empty)
currentFilter += " AND ";
currentFilter += filterExpression;
dv.RowFilter = currentFilter;
return dv;
public string GetFilterExpression(ColumnView view)
var expression = String.Empty;
if (view.ActiveFilter != null && view.ActiveFilterEnabled
&& view.ActiveFilter.Expression != String.Empty)
expression = view.ActiveFilter.Expression;
return expression;
public string GetSortExpression(ColumnView view)
var expression = String.Empty;
foreach (GridColumnSortInfo info in view.SortInfo)
expression += string.Format("[{0}]", info.Column.FieldName);
if (info.SortOrder == DevExpress.Data.ColumnSortOrder.Descending)
expression += " DESC";
expression += " ASC";
expression += ", ";
return expression.TrimEnd(',', ' ');