I want to make a feature: when my combobox in tkinter clicked and drop-down menu is opened, when you press any key (for example \'s\'), it selects first element in combobox,
As far as I understood, there no way to get popdown menu in Python currently. And you have to do that through TCL. The weak point is ".f.l" part of reference as it depends on internal widgets implementation. There is an example of combobox, wich will select items by first their letter when you press a keyboard button.
from tkinter import ttk
import itertools as it
class mycombobox(ttk.Combobox):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
pd = self.tk.call('ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow', self) #get popdownWindow reference
lb = pd + '.f.l' #get popdown listbox
self._bind(('bind', lb),"<KeyPress>",self.popup_key_pressed,None)
def popup_key_pressed(self,evt):
values = self.cget("values")
for i in it.chain(range(self.current() + 1,len(values)),range(0,self.current())):
if evt.char.lower() == values[i][0].lower():
self.tk.eval(evt.widget + ' selection clear 0 end') #clear current selection
self.tk.eval(evt.widget + ' selection set ' + str(i)) #select new element
self.tk.eval(evt.widget + ' see ' + str(i)) #spin combobox popdown for selected element will be visible