Spritekit - Keep the game paused when didBecomeActive

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-20 07:56

I have a pause system with a function and a button and it works perfect, i know when the app enters background it automatically pauses and when it comes back it automaticall

  • 2020-12-20 08:11

    In your scene or view, you should be able to handle pause by adding an observer to it


    Then you add a function to handle this

    func pauseGame(notification:NSNotification)
        self.paused = true;

    Now keep in mind I have found that in iOS 8 there is a bug where CBApplicationDidBecomeActive can cause undesirable results, so you need to override this in your SKView's class like this:

    class GameSceneView : SKView
        ...//Other Code
        func CBApplicationDidBecomeActive()
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